Multi Doser


  • Wireless pH and EC peristaltic dosing system.
  • Run to waste and recirculating systems including aeroponics and flood & drain
  • 4 built in dosing pumps expandable to 8 pumps with the Expansion Pack
  • Further expandable to 10 pumps with pH Doser
  • Low maintenance and very durable
  • 2 year warranty on all parts + labour


The Multi Doser is a peristaltic doser for both pH and EC. It must be paired with the Master Unit and Reservoir Controller. This is a 4 zone system meaning that you can control up to 4 Multi Dosers from 1 Master Unit, letting you operate and monitor 4 different reservoirs wirelessly.

Say goodbye to using measuring cups, handheld probes and mixing nutrients by hand, filling and draining reservoirs by eye, and all the other time consuming tasks involved with maintaining a hydroponics reservoir. Whether you’re a run to waste grower or a recirculating grower (i.e. straight perlite, dwc, flood & drain or aeroponics) our system has a specific running mode to run your setup with complete automation. For run to waste people that means that when your reservoir runs out, it will be automatically refilled then prepared. Then you have the option of maintaining pH, EC and temp. For recirculating people that means automatic reservoir changes on a user set schedule and automatic reservoir preparation + standard maintenance of pH, EC and temperature. Note that most high end nutrient dosers on the market only provide standard maintenance of pH, EC and do nothing more. Our system provides a far higher level of automation that you will notice heavily in terms of hours of labour saved per reservoir.

The Multi Doser will allow your reservoir to run in “Auto” mode. This means complete cycle automation. While other dosing systems on the market will have you still doing manual reservoir changes/refills and preparation. They merely maintain the reservoir after you prepare it by hand. This is a lot of work and adds up to many hours of manual labour per grow cycle on each reservoir. Now you can say goodbye to all those hours of work for good. And you’ll never want to look back after you see how reliably and precisely our system takes care of everything. More reliable and precise than the best human worker and it works 24/7 guaranteed for 3 years + lifetime support.

The Multi Doser has 4 dosing pumps and is expandable to 8 with the Expansion Pack and expandable to 10 with the addition of the pH Doser. Each pump can either dose pH up, pH down, or nutrients and additives. Each pump can be set to your liking via the Master Unit and works with any nutrient line. Not only do you set your nutrient ratios for reservoir maintenance dosing, but you also set your prep dosing settings for fresh reservoir preparations. This means complete hands free operation in recirculating and run to waste systems. Your garden will function completely by itself with scheduled reservoir changes/refills, then preparation of pH and EC, followed by maintenance of pH and EC. For cycle after cycle. Saving you countless hours of work. Essentially you can run a professional grow without touching, nor even looking at your reservoir, for months and months.

More about “Auto” mode:

As an example if you were using a recirculating system. You simply set your reservoir change to let’s say 7 days. So every 7 days your reservoir will be emptied, refilled, temperature adjusted, prepared with nutrients and additives, pH adjusted, all while being mixed/stirred as needed. Then once the reservoir is prepared, the system will maintain your desired set point and range for both pH and EC while feeding the prepared solution to your plants based on your custom set schedule. The system will perform automatic water top ups as required to keep your reservoir full as your plants uptake water. Then 7 days later the whole cycle will repeat.

Now to give an example for a run to waste system. Full auto mode in this case means that there will be a simple refill rather than a reservoir change. In a run to waste system, as the reservoir is fed to the plants to the point that it’s empty. Once empty the system will fill the reservoir back up to full, then as above it will perform the necessary steps to prepare it to your desired specs. Most run to waste growers don’t worry about pH or EC maintenance since these parameters don’t change much. However you still have the option of running maintenance.

Note that with both of the above examples you would also set your dosing parameters. This is very easy and only takes 30 seconds to do. For a basic example if you read the back of a nutrient bottle you might find it says 2ml/L. So you could simply use that nutrient bottle and directly set the 2ml/L in the reservoir preparation settings on the Master Unit. Of course most growers will choose to dilute their nutrients with water which is recommended. A 1/3 dilution is a good choice although there is no strict requirement with this.
Also the reservoir maintenance dosing ratio settings would be set as desired from the Master Unit. Again this only takes a matter of seconds.

Detailed instructions are provided with the unit.


What you receive:

1 x Mydro Lab Multi Doser

1 x Power Adapter

15m of tubing (2mm*1mm silicone)


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